Last Updated: 28/05/2024

Correlation between oxidative stress markers and COVID-19 severity index


To evaluate oxidative stress marker and redox system status in different COVID-19 patients regarding the severity of involvement.

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Nooshin Dalili

Rationale and Abstract

During the new COVID-19 pandemic physicians all over the world have faced different challenges. Oxidative stress is a probable cause of multi-organ failure in this setting which has never been evaluated in COVID-19 infection to the best of our knowledge. The present study aimed to evaluate oxidative stress markers and redox system status in different COVID-19 patients regarding the severity of involvement.

Study Design

Observational case-control, cross-sectional

These patients are divided into two arms:

1- severe COVID-19 which were intubated or admitted in the intensive care unit due to severe hypoxia

2- non-severe COVID-19 patients who were not hypoxic and admitted in a ward with no need for invasive oxygenation.

All patients had positive RT-PCR positive nasopharyngeal swab results for COVID-19 or Lung CT scans compatible with COVID-19. Malondialdehyde(MDA), Biopterin, Neopterin, SOD, and Glutathione levels would be checked by ELISA tests and compared between these two groups and healthy controls.

Primary Outcome Measures  :

  1. MDA concentration [ Time Frame: 2 weeks ]
  2. MDA x 2 ULN in severe COVID

Secondary Outcome Measures  :

  1. Biopterin concentration [ Time Frame: 2 weeks ] 
  2. Neopterin rate of increase [ Time Frame: 2 weeks ] 
Thematic Categories

Monitoring & Evaluation


Jun 2020 — Jul 2020

Project Site
