Last Updated: 17/12/2024

CAP-MALARIA: Control and Prevention of Malaria


The USAID Control and Prevention of Malaria Project (CAP-Malaria) strives for systematic control of malaria in affected border regions of Thailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar, aiming to contain the spread of multi-drug resistant P. falciparum malaria in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS).

The objectives of the project are to:

  • develop and scale-up cost-effective vector control interventions to prevent the transmission of malaria;
  • improve the quality and effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of malaria at the community and health facility levels;
  • reduce management bottlenecks of the NCMPs and local institutions to implement and monitor malaria control activities; and
  • support the establishment and maintenance of strategic information for malaria control.
Rationale and Abstract

The project works with USAID missions, governments, nongovernmental organizations, local communities and partner agencies to implement innovative strategies to improve access to preventive and curative services, increase the availability and use of strategic malaria control information, and strengthen the capacity of malaria control partners.

It has a strong focus on geographically focused cross-border areas, where there is already strong evidence of artemisinin resistance. Particularly at risk are temporary residents in these areas, such as mobile and migrant workers at farms and plantations, and in infrastructure and development projects. These populations are reached best through community-level interventions such as outreach and services by village malaria workers and mobile teams, partnerships with local employers (such as farmers and plantation owners), and strong referral linkages with health facilities equipped for microscopy and capable of treating severe cases.

A second key strategy for CAP-Malaria is to engage new partners in the private sector and civil society. These partners are key to the project’s health systems strengthening approach which promotes coordination between different service delivery providers and builds capacity at each level. CAP-Malaria works with partners to engage the formal and informal private practitioners to comply with the national treatment guidelines. In addition, the project is forming linkages with the private sector employers and civil society partners to maximize reach to target populations.