Last Updated: 17/12/2024

Cambodia Malaria Elimination Project (CMEP)


The Cambodia Malaria Elimination Project aims to:

  1. Develop a scalable, evidence-based elimination model in Sampov Loun Operational District (OD) and support its dissemination and replication for malaria elimination in Cambodia.
  2. Support scale-up of high-quality malaria control and prevention interventions in five to eight ODs, where gaps in coverage or quality exist.
  3. Strengthen national malaria surveillance systems and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) appropriate for malaria elimination and control activities.
  4. Build capacity of the Ministry of Health to manage, intensify, and sustain malaria control and elimination efforts particularly at the OD level.
Rationale and Abstract

The USAID/PMI Cambodia Malaria Elimination Project is intended to intensify malaria control and elimination activities by providing technical assistance and support to the National Center for Parasitology Entomology and Malaria Control (CNM) to further develop, refine, and evaluate an evidence-based Model Elimination Package for malaria, which can then be implemented in other appropriate operational districts (ODs).

It builds on eight years of USAID investment in malaria control in Cambodia under the Control and Prevention of Malaria (CAP-Malaria, 2011-2016) and Malaria Control in Cambodia (MCC, 2008-2011) projects, both implemented by University Research Co. LLC (URC).