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Last Updated: 30/01/2025

Investigation of the protective role of anti-PfGARP antibodies against severe malaria


The overall aim of the project is to decipher the mechanisms leading to severe malaria protection conferred by anti-PfGARP antibodies in different endemic settings, using a combination of serological and machine learning analyses. The objectives of the project are:

  1. Set up and optimise a serological screening platform for PfGARP using truncated protein constructs and screened using our MagPix (Luminex) quantitative suspension bead array platform
  2. Leverage the screening platform to measure levels of anti-PfGARP in the plasma of individuals with asymptomatic, uncomplicated and severe malaria infection from different cohorts (high and low-endemic areas, India and Uganda)
  3. Assess the different protective effects of anti-PfGARP antibodies in these cohorts by performing machine learning analyses including clinical (parasitaemia, parasite biomass, platelet levels, brain swelling assessed by MRI, complications, outcome, etc.) and biological parameters (selection of less virulent parasites, etc.)
  4. Develop an anti-PfGARP antibody detection test and evaluate its potential as a prognostic tool in a clinical setting in India.
Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Samuel Wassmer

Partner Investigators

Elin May Dumont

Rationale and Abstract

Dr. Tetteh will oversee research related to serology platform development and optimization, as well as the sample screening. Dr. Wassmer will supervise the machine learning analysis using the extensive clinical and biological database of the cohorts, as well as the development and assessment of anti- PfGARP antibody detection test on-site in India. The proposed research project is highly interdisciplinary and both supervisors will be actively engaged in all aspects of the project.


Sep 2022 — Sep 2026

Project Site

United Kingdom