Last Updated: 20/12/2023

Ifakara Masterclass Edition 19- The Mosquitoes Must Die: A MasterClass with Profs. Hilary Ranson & Corine Ngufor.

Published: 31/03/2021

The Mosquitoes Must Die

The 19th edition of the masterclass hosted by Fredros Okumu from Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and Sheila Ogoma from Clinton Health Access Initiative(CHAI) features Profs. Hilary Ranson & Corine Ngufor.

The discourse begins with question about the possibility of malaria elimination with the means available to us at this moment of time and if it is currently realistic to think about elimination. Experts strongly voice their opinion that elimination is still a long way off. The panel discuss further about the impact of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) which are the major contributors in malaria control and the impact pyrethroid resistance has on vector control. So, far WHO only approves bed nets treated with pyrethroids or pyrethroid with synergists like PBO, the development of pyrethroid resistance complicating the control measure and need for coming up with alternatives to it is highlighted. Insecticide resistance management strategies are explored. The conversation talks about all things related to malaria control specifically bed nets and indoor residual spray. Monitoring the quality of ITNs and IRS ,the future ITNs and IRS, testing and prequalification pathways for new ITN and IRS products and the functional Life of Bed Nets (Attrition, Bio-efficacy, Chemical Content and Durability) is discussed  throughly.




Published: 31/03/2021

IHI 19

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