Last Updated: 20/12/2023

The Commonwealth Malaria Report (2021)

Published: 21/05/2021

The Commonwealth Malaria Report (2021)

To support the work of Commonwealth countries pursuing the commitment to halve malaria by 2023, this report details the progress that has been made since 2018. The report draws together the latest data on efforts to defeat malaria, working directly from the World Malaria Report 2020, with up-to-date examples of how countries within the Commonwealth have worked to reduce and eliminate malaria. 

The report views country case studies through five focus areas: integration and multisectoral action; financing and sustainability; innovation; data; and regional coordination. These focus areas are drawn from the recently announced Kigali Summit on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases, which the Government of Rwanda hosted immediately before the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in June 2021. 

You can find The Commonwealth Malaria Report (2022) here

Published: 21/05/2021

The Commonwealth Malaria Report (2021)

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