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Last Updated: 04/04/2023

The Multifactorial Roles of Platelets in Uncomplicated Malaria Infection


To determine the role of platelets in Trp metabolic pathway regulation and explore whether platelet regulated immune responses to malaria infection are in part dependent on the Trp metabolic pathway .

Principal Investigators / Focal Persons

Sara Katharina Blick-Nitko

Rationale and Abstract

The malaria causing Plasmodium parasite continues to be a major public health threat, with at least 230 million annual cases worldwide. Plasmodium vivax (P vivax) is the cause of uncomplicated malaria (UCM), which while typically not deadly, is the cause of significant global morbidity and economic cost. Despite great efforts, vaccine development has proven challenging and due to growing resistance to anti-malarial drugs, complications also persist. While platelets are the cellular mediators of thrombosis, platelets are also the most numerous immune cells in the blood, and a first responder to infections. Thrombocytopenia is a frequent complication of malaria, and a decrease in platelet count is a negative predictor of disease outcome. Malaria infection elicits a strong interferon gamma (IFN ) response. IFN is a potent inducer of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO1) the rate- limiting enzyme that catalyzes the first step in Tryptophan (Trp) metabolism in the kynurenine (Kyn) pathway. Trp metabolism may be altered in malaria infection as a means to regulate immunometabolic responses, but the mechanisms remain unknown. Our platelet RNA-sequencing data from humans infected with P vivax and from mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii showed increased expression of genes related to Trp metabolism, including IDO1. Furthermore, the role for platelets in metabolic pathway regulation is poorly explored in general, but particularly in infectious diseases. The PI introduces a novel idea that platelets participate in immunometabolism to infection. 

Further understanding this interplay between platelets and biochemical pathways may provide an understanding of the impact of thrombocytopenia in diseases beyond malaria, and provide a means to improve malaria infection responses as well as improved platelet-derived therapeutics in many hematological, metabolic, and immune diseases. The research proposal contains novelty that could open new avenues for integrative research in the fields of immunology, pathology, and biochemistry at both clinical and basic science levels. The completion of the mentored activities and career development as described in the PI’s training plan will facilitate the PI’s long-term goal of becoming an independent researcher.

Thematic Categories

Basic Science


Sep 2021 — Aug 2023

Total Project Funding


Project Site

United States